This is a hypothetical scenario that should serve as food for thought.
Suppose that aliens exist, and an advanced alien race is very close to our planet watching us. They may have probes that observe events taking place on Earth. Suppose also that these aliens They are highly advanced and could help humans solve a variety of problems, such as finding a cure for Covid-19.
The question is: should aliens interfere in human affairs if they can help us?
Do we deserve their compassion and gift of knowledge?
Credit: public domain
Some will say that every sentient being, who has the proper means, is obliged to help those who require assistance. Empathy makes us human, but why should we assume that this is also an extraterrestrial personality trait?
We don’t know anything about alien logic, intelligence, or emotions. Many will argue, humanity does not deserve the help of extraterrestrial intelligence.
Our history books offer proof that we are a violent and destructive race. A quick glance at our planet today shows that we do not respect other life forms and destroy our nature. Perhaps aliens watch us and think that we don’t deserve to call this beautiful planet our home.
Why would aliens not be willing to help humans?
If you are a fan of Star Trek, you will remember how Seven of Nine described humans in the Scorpion episode. Seven of Nine said:
“When their captain approached us the first time, we suspected that it would be impossible to maintain an agreement with humans.
You are erratic, conflictive, disorganized. Each decision is debated, each action questioned, each individual has the right to his own little opinion”.
Could this be how aliens see humanity? UFO scientist and former UFO investigator from the Defense Ministry Nick Pope warned that humans are not prepared for an alien invasion. Who can argue with that? We have successfully demonstrated that we are not prepared for a pandemic outbreak, making it unlikely that our world can handle a superior alien force that has hostile intent.
\”In most science fiction movies, aliens are portrayed as evil and are part of a hostile invasion force. For some reason, these highly advanced extraterrestrial beings travel several light years with the goal of destroying Earth and humans.
Many of the alien invasion scenarios are a good movie plot, but how realistic are they from a scientific point of view?
An astrobiologist has examined five possible alien invasion scenarios and his conclusions are more optimistic and show us that we should not fear our alien visitors. “
Most alien invasion scenarios are simply unrealistic.
A while back, researchers suggested that Xtraterrestrials are deliberately waiting for the moment just before they reveal themselves to Earthlings.
If aliens expect humans to evolve spiritually, then they may have to wait a long time.
Going back to Star Trek, many will remember that the Main Directive prohibits its members from interfering with the internal and natural development of alien civilizations.
The main directive particularly applies to civilizations that are below a certain threshold of technological, scientific and cultural development. It prevents spacecraft crews from using their superior technology to impose their own values or ideals on them. So if an advanced alien race wants to help another alien culture, they can’t do it without breaking the rules.
Even if many think this form of reasoning is unethical, the Core Directive is an ethical guide on how to deal with cultures based on a policy of egalitarianism and trust. It ensures that each culture has the opportunity to develop on its own without interference.
Could aliens be banned from looking at us by interfering with our development?
Are aliens watching us? Credit: public domain
Another possibility is that we have reached a stage where we can apply for membership in the Galactic Club.
According to David Schwartzman, a biogeochemist at Howard University in Washington, DC, aliens are out there, but there are several things we must accomplish before planet Earth can begin in the Galactic Club.
“Our world will change completely once we enter the Galactic Club.
I maintain that if we want to join the Galactic Club, the challenge lies in rebuilding our global political economy. Some minor side benefits should result, like no more war, no more poverty, a future for all children of humanity with a substantial proportion of biodiversity intact. We should not expect the Galactic Club to save us from ourselves, ”said Schwartzman.
Even if there are aliens out there and they are not willing to help humanity, it still behooves us to save our planet and do the right thing for future generations. Maybe someday in the future humans will explore beautiful and exotic strange worlds, but right now, planet Earth is our home, our only home.