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Have the Sumerians predicted the end of the world?

People have predicted the end of the world almost since the world existed. Whether they thought the world would end in the distant future or the next day, there are a whole bunch of predictions for the day of judgment, when ancient civilizations are explored. One huge question is whether or not the Sumerians predicted the end of the world?

Many of these old prophecies ignite a contemporary intriguing spark. People associate the old signs and interpret them as possible dates that lead to the present or the future. In this day and age, we have all experienced the “end of the world” several times.

Some of these end-of-the-world predictions are biblical, foretelling predation. But there are other theories, such as the widespread concern that the world would end in 2012 when the Mayan calendar ended. The change of the millennium also seemed to spark with some anxiety.

One premise that has been around for some time, but lately picked up speed in 2017, is that the world will end because of a collision with the planet Nibiru, otherwise known as Planet X. The origins of the Nibiru traditions can be traced back to the ancient Sumerians. – one of the first civilizations in the world.

But are the Sumerians really predicting the end of the world, or is Nibiru’s prediction just another theory sucked from the fingers?

The world of Sichin and the Ancient Astronaut

Much interest and speculation around Nibiru can be traced to Zechariah Sichin.

Sichin (1920-2010) is a scholar who worked on the translation of ancient Sumerian and Akkadian texts and plates. Linking his translations to interpretations of iconography, Sichin developed a theory of how the Sumerians thought about the supposed planet Nibiru, the end of the world, and how their gods fit into it all.

His theories can be found in his bestseller The Twelfth Planet. Since then, people all over the world have taken his theories and endured them, expanding them and twisting their possible meanings and consequences.

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Below we will go into the key aspects of Sichin’s work and modern thought around Nibiru and the end of the world.

What were the Sumerians?

Sumer was one of the first civilizations for which we have any knowledge that they existed – dating back to at least 4500 BC. The Sumerians settled in northern Mesopotamia, and the Sumerians consisted of several large cities.

Although there is not much archaeological evidence left, there are plaques and inscriptions that allow us to look into the language, culture and way of life. Researchers are able to discover rich images of their mythology and stories through translation and interpretation.

Nibiru / Planet X

We have mentioned a lot of Nibiru so far, but what is its real significance?

Nibiru is supposed to be an additional planet in our solar system, which the Sumerians have documented and named. Although Sichin’s research ends with The Twelfth Planet, we should be more inclined to think of Nibiru as a potential ninth (or tenth, if you still count Pluto) planet from our solar system.

Sichin uses the iconography of the sun, surrounded by multiple planets, to support his theory that the Sumerians not only knew about Nibiru, but also gave it special significance.

But with science so advanced right now, how can there be an extra planet in our solar system we don’t know about? Especially when the ancient Sumerians knew?

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This can be explained by the supposed orbit of planet Nibiru, also called Planet X. Nibiru’s supposed orbit around the sun is much larger and much longer than the other planets in our system. In fact, Sichin claims that a complete orbit of the sun takes approximately 3600 years.

And that is why we have only been in contact with the planet for several millennia. Sichin links several biblical and historical events to the presence of Nibiru, even claiming that the great flood of the Bible happened because of the gravitational pull that gave rise to Nibiru.

Although the intersection of Nibiru and Earth must be quite far apart in Sichin’s proposed timeframes, followers of the idea argue that the length of the orbit can, of course, change due to changes in gravitational pull over the centuries. This would mean that a potential intersection could occur much sooner than we otherwise think.

However, its supposed inhabitants are more charming than the planet itself.

The Anunnaki and the evolution of the human race

Simply put, the term “Anunnaki” refers to the pantheon of gods worshiped by Sumerians, Akkadians, Babylonians, and Assyrians. These gods are descended from Anne, the heavenly god. The more dominant gods and goddesses who have found their place in other cultures include Marduk and Inanna, who was often united with the later Ishtar.

So the ancient Sumerians worshiped a bunch of gods just like most other societies – what of that? How does this ancient Sumerian mythology and religion have anything to do with the planet Nibiru?

Okay, but if you hear that the Anunnaki were not gods at all, but aliens?

Sichin’s theory of the Anunnkai comes in place with what we would expect to see in an episode of “Ancient Aliens”.

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If we have to adhere to Sichin’s theory, the Anunnaki were (and probably still are) an advanced race born on the planet Nibiru. They came to Earth, most likely to extract minerals, especially gold, that were missing from their planet’s atmosphere.

When they came to Earth, they created and multiplied humans to serve them as slaves and to do this work. Sichin uses this forced evolution to explain the evolutionary gaps and missing links.

So, because they were more powerful and advanced, the Anunnaki appointed themselves gods among their human slaves, while in reality they were simply strangers and advanced aliens.

This idea coincides with the popular prerequisite for the “ancient astronauts”, or the theory that in the distant past, advanced civilizations came to Earth from alien planets and presented themselves as gods. This set of beliefs is often used to explain the surprising advanced ancient technologies and constructions.

Sichin merges his theory of the Anunnaki with the biblical Nephilim, or “sons of God,” who are said to have crossed themselves with humanity. The good old Sichin certainly wanted to sew this with his theology.

It is also alleged that members of the Anunnaki did not approve of this crossing. As such, they did not warn humans of the negative effects the Earth would face when Nibiru came too close – its gravitational pull, which would have caused the Great Flood.

The end of the world?

So how does this all connect to the end of the world? Well, it all depends on the rotation of Nibiru and its path around the sun.

werner22brigitte / Pixabay

Although the timeline proposed by Sichin may be inaccurate, many have said in recent years that Nibiru’s coming is imminent. Recently, quite a few followers have emerged claiming that Nibiru would arrive on September 23, 2017. Others say its orbit has been close to us for years, but NASA has been hiding it in an effort to keep us calm.

Most argue that it is the gravitational pull of Nibiru that will cause problems for Earth, possibly triggering another massive deluge. Others seem to imagine a death similar to the asteroid collision with a dinosaur.

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Whatever the exact effect, the consensus is that the arrival of Nibiru means the end of the world as we know it.

What do Sumerian sources say?

It’s incredibly easy to fall into the trap of the doomsday theories, but to what extent are Sichin’s claims and those who support him really based on the original Sumerian texts?

From ancient Sumerian texts, there was a description that our creators came from a yet discovered planet that enters our Solar System ever 3,600 years.

The texts said that they were known as the Nephilim, and that they had colonized Earth over 400,000 years ago. The bible also mentions this race, and calls them the “sons of God”

The answer is – not much.

Sichin’s translations of Sumerian texts have been widely criticized, and his interpretations all the more so. For starters, Nibiru is actually more defined as a star than as a real planet in the Sumerian texts. Furthermore, there are no texts or evidence to support any such connection of the Anunnaki with Nibiru.

mitsuecligsx / Pixabay

There really is no evidence. Just one person’s claims and his turning of texts to fit his theory – albeit a lot of fun and intriguing.

So, do we start preparing for the end of the world? Perhaps, but the end of the world is unlikely to happen because of the arrival of a mysterious extra planet somewhere in our solar system.

Do not worry that Nibiru will trigger the apocalypse – the Sumerians did not worry.

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