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Parallel Universes and Aliens: Do We Coexist in Different Dimensions?

Who has not looked at the stars on a clear night hoping to see something out of the ordinary … A light, aliens … something that shows us that we are not alone in the universe?

This, a few years ago was a kind of chimera, and anyone who spoke of some type of UFO phenomenon was taken for crazy.

But times have changed, and the declassifications of files from different armies, as well as the increase in the budget for research with possible alien contacts has given way to talking about this whole issue with much more seriousness.

Or at least, to take the testimonies of people who claim to have had contact with “extraterrestrial” beings in another way.

Sightings have grown exponentially across the planet in a matter of a short time, so, although we ask ourselves thousands of questions about it and come to thousands of different conclusions, it has already been normalized that these phenomena are not the result of the imagination of disturbed people or anything like that.

Interdimensional contacts

Sixto Paz, an internationally known Peruvian writer, in his book “Interdimensional Contact” offers evidence of having been transported by extraterrestrial beings.

In this book he recounts his own experiences being transported first to an underwater base in the North Pacific of Peru and then, according to him, with a didactic purpose, to Morlem, Jupiter’s satellite.

And we could enter to list many other people who relate similar things, even the famous case of Frederick Valentich. It was a pilot with some experience, with more than 150 hours of flight, and one day he disappeared without a trace.

I was traveling with a Cessna 182L plane in very good weather conditions, and the plane was in perfect mechanical condition. Valentich radioed just before he disappeared that he was seeing a strange object that was not an airplane. And disappeared without a trace.

This type of aircraft is capable of holding out for an hour over the sea in case of a splashdown, in addition, the pilot wore a life jacket in the cabin, so he could have evacuated the plane in case of a problem.

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Australian flight control sent a reconnaissance and search flight for the pilot just a few minutes after the plane was lost on the radar screen … But nothing more was ever heard from him, he simply disappeared.

With Sixto Paz, ninety-eight people from all over the world had a great meeting, professionals from different areas and with concerns and different experiences on the subject alien, having eye-opening conversations that might shed some light.

It is believed proven and documented that aliens have been visiting us throughout our history and evolution.

Both in ancient petroglyphs, as in the Nazca lines, considered large landing strips that show coordinates, as well as different phenomena about strange flying objects related in the Bible, give us proof of this.

But it has been concluded that there are different types of aliens, some good ones who try to warn us about possible dangers and who even help us.

In this meeting they were attributed the work of having repaired the cracks in the ozone layer, or warning us through “Marian” appearances of different prophecies, but with the aim that they are not fulfilled.

Sixto declared that these “prophecies” are warnings, they leave us messages so that we can rectify our behavior and we can continue to evolve.

However, there are others who do not seek our good, but rather the colonization and destruction of our civilization, in order to turn us into slaves.

People who claim to have had experiences with these types of beings describe them as distressing and locate their interdimensional portal in the Bermuda Triangle.

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Science is helping to reveal secrets

If we believe in the multiverse and in different dimensions, it is easy to speculate to think that there may be beings with different densities than ours, and that we simply are not able to see.

The latest experiments in particle accelerators and the search for the fifth dimension ensure not only that you can almost touch this dimension with your fingertips, but eleven have been mathematically proven, the possibilities are endless.

Regarding these beings considered “aliens”, there is talk of different evolutions. Some are more evolved on the spiritual plane, which makes them aware of the problems that we may be experiencing, for the simple reason that they, to reach that evolution, have had to go through the stages in which we are passing.

Therefore, these beings called the White Brotherhood, both by Sixto and by other experts in the field, place them in higher dimensions, living among us but being imperceptible to our sight.

Only they are capable of manifesting themselves when they consider it necessary to give us some kind of message. They would be the so-called “beings of light.”

In fact, as we discussed in previous articles, a large part of the appearances attributed to different “saints” or to “the Virgin Mary” would be attributed to these beings.

Their interdimensional portals would be different sites considered “of power” and they would communicate with human beings easily through telepathy.

However, there would be the opposite case, the extraterrestrial beings that seek our slavery.

Here there are different theories, although they all have a common denominator, it would be more technologically evolved beings, but less spiritually evolved, and therefore, they would be using their technology and camouflage ability to infiltrate our highest spheres and dominate the earth at will.

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We human beings would be in the middle of this power battle. We have the ability to evolve physically, mentally, and spiritually. Some seek our evolution and others our involution.

It would be a real battle between a species of “good and evil” on Earth, using us as pawns.

From this, Hollywood has produced scripts for many of its films … Perhaps not by chance.


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