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Nibiru, the Star Nemesis and its planets are approaching the Solar System. SOHO probe photographs prove it!

A famous astronomer surprisingly suggested that NASA, in agreement with the governments of the world, has hidden the existence of the planetary system of Nibiru for almost forty years. He revealed this incredible information during a live broadcast.

The websites of the Nibiru conspiracy theorists exploded with joy after the statements of Paul Cox, an astronomer who collaborated in the past with NASA and who clearly highlighted that the brown dwarf star Nemesis and its planets orbiting around it, are rapidly approaching to our solar system.

In the latest images recorded by the NASA SOHO and STEREO probes, from June 20 to July 6, 2020 one or two huge celestial bodies were photographed around the Sun. The images could be the star NEMESIS or Nibiru, where other small planets are visible around. In short, an entire planetary system.

Image results for paul cox, nibiru

The astronomer Paul Cox

Nibiru, or the star system of Nemesis-Nibiru, is a miniature star system that one day will pass so close to the earth that its gravitational attraction could devastate our planet with earthquakes, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions. Paul Cox joins the latest whistleblowers: Eugene Ricks and Dr. Ronald Shimschuck, taking a step forward despite threats to his personal safety.

Although Cox’s conclusions differ from other Nibiru researchers, the essence of the content remains the same: the earth is in danger. Speaking of the view from the telescope, which showed the Sun and Mercury, on the left, and part of another large light shape on the right, which some viewers thought was only the reflection of the sun, he said:

You can see there, the sun is on the left. You can see the little black dot … which is Mercury. Now you can ask yourself what that big round thing to the right of our sun is. That’s our second sun. I don’t know if you knew we had a second sun, but here it is.

Do you think it’s the mysterious planet Nibiru, maybe it appears in these live shows? “We don’t cover these things like NASA does,” Cox said gravely.

Cox’s words rang through the Internet; So-called conspiracy theorists, also known as “lunatics”, clinging to Cox’s words, began to spread the message through message boards and discussion groups. Former NASA scientist and Nibiru researcher, dr. Eugene Ricks applauded Cox’s revelation, but he is also concerned about his safety. Any scientist who talks about Nibiru, you risk being killed !!

Now both Cox and Eugene Ricks agree that the latest images transmitted by NASA’s space probes that monitor our star’s solar activity show a star system similar to that of NIBIRU-NEMESIS. The photographs speak clearly and are quite evident and highlight how thanks to a coronal mass elections, a huge stellar object was highlighted.

The photographs taken by the STEREO A and STEREO B spacecraft of 20 June show that a huge celestial body was very close to the sun.


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Paul Cox recently recounted the episode concerning the mysterious killing of a Chinese astrophysicist researcher, who after discovering Nibiru was killed with his whole family. He was called Kum Nao and was a research assistant at the Chinese National Astronomical Observatory, which is part of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. According to reliable sources, Kum Nao had worked at the FAST – Five Hundred Meter Aperture Spherical Telescope telescope, and had been reprimanded twice by his managers for initiating investigations into the mysterious planet Nibiru. Kim Nao had discovered that a star, exactly a Brown Dwarf with seven to eight planets in its orbit (including Planet X-Nibiru) was in alignment and therefore near collision with the solar system.

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The FAST telescope – Five Hundred Meter Aperture Spherical Telescope

Kum Nao had had the courage to discuss a taboo topic in a country that carries out strict rules, where the government forces its citizens not to speak outside the guidelines of Chinese laws. His superiors, of course, noted his rebellious behavior, because if all the information is accurate, the Chinese secret services would have designed an elaborate plan to end his life and hide the motive for the crime, or the approach of NIBIRU.

Dr. Eugene Ricks spent several years in solitude after trying to raise the alarm on Nibiru between 2011-2012. The problem of Nibiru is not a clash with this massive planet, but there is talk of the effects that the Earth will suffer during the transit of the Nibiru star system that will pass close to our solar system.

The effects on Earth will be devastating. There will be an increase in earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Extreme climate change and hurricane power will have the effects. All this is already happening, but nobody or few talk about it. Magnetic and gravitational anomalies will be recorded on Earth which are the efeftts of the magnetic disturbance of Nibiru. Another major problem will be the meteor showers that accompany the arrival of Nemesis.


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