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Macuxi Indians claim Earth is Hollow and inhabited by “Giant Creatures”

What if the “Journey to the Center of the Earth” in the Jules Verne classic were really true? And somewhere, a new world was waiting to be explored, a place where somehow, some and different living beings inhabit the depths of our planet, a place where ancient cultures and civilizations were not known to exist, and which still exist today?

The Indians of the Lakota, Sioux and Hopi tribes often spoke of their encounters with the “Ant People”, mysterious beings resembling the “alien grays” of today, who occasionally came out of the caves, from the caves connected with the Hollow Earth, to unite and eat together with the people of the Indian tribes.

Even the Macuxi Indians, who live in the Amazon, or in countries such as Brazil, Guyana and Venezuela, according to their legends, are the descendants of the children of the Sun, the creator of fire and protector of disease and the “Inner Earth.”

The Makuxi have suffered the theft of their lands with appalling violence since the early days of colonization, which occurred in the eighteenth century. Despite repeated eviction attempts, they managed to stay in their ancestral lands.

Oral legends tell of a voice spoken by the Earth and that until 1907, the Macuxi people entered a sort of cave attracted by a voice and traveling for 13 or 15 days until they reached the interior of the planet, a place located “from ‘other part of the world, in the inner earth ”, where they discovered giant and living creatures about 3-4 meters high.

According to the Macuxi, these giants were given the task of monitoring the passage in front of the entrance and preventing foreigners from entering the “hollow earth”. Other legends, the Macuxi say, tell of people who entered the mysterious cave for three days, where they encountered the walking giants taking steps of about 1 meter each time.

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After the third day, they left their torches behind, and continue their journey “inside” the Earth illuminated by the lights that were already present in the caves posted on the walls. Giant lanterns, the size of a watermelon, bright like the sun.
After 4-5 days of traveling, people traveling to the cave began to lose weight and body mass, allowing them to move much faster.

The legends of the Macuxi told that after 5 days inside the caves, they would pass from huge caves whose roofs were not even visible, to one of the chambers inside the cave system, where four objects “like the sun” could be seen , so bright and glistening that they were impossible to see, whose purpose was unknown to the Macuxi village.

Within the Earth, there were places where trees were able to produce food. The Macuxi said they fed on the fruit of cajúes, oak, mango, bananas and some smaller plants but only after 6-7 days of walking inside the earth was this possible.

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The more Macuxi people moved to Earth, the larger areas of vegetation they observed and discovered. But not all areas were green and prosperous. The Macuxi people said that some places were and are extremely dangerous and should be avoided, such as those with hot stones and “azoge” (hot and acidic) streams.

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The oral legends of the Macuxi went on to say that after passing through these giant chambers, they had spent half of the journey and that they must move with caution, because there was a possibility of encountering the mysterious “air” that could cause people to “fly. or float ”around. Continuing the journey, they reached a place inside the Earth, where the giants inhabited. There, Macuxi explorers ate alongside the giants, feeding on apples the size of human heads, grapes the size of a human fist, and delicious, giant fish captured by the giants and given to the Macuxi as gifts and presents.

After the escort with the gigantic food offered to the Macuxi explorers, they were ready to go “home”, ready for the “outside” world, helped to ascend by the giants of the inner world. The Macuxi are said to be the “protective guardians” from the underworld, guarding the entrance to the inner Earth, and its legends tell of a land in the interior of the earth, which is filled with incredible power and wealth.

This legend, of course, is considered by many to be just a narrative, another ancestral story. But for the Macuxi this “legend” was and is real, a sort of historical imprint, where they were seen as protectors of the entrance to British explorers who came to the Amazon in search of gold and diamonds, forbidding them to venture into the caves, where some did not return. never again.

Since their last meeting with them, the giants, was not fulfilled, the Macuxi said they would be punished for not respecting their obligations and the “legends” of the giants who disappeared over the years.

Could this be just another legend? Or is there something more mysterious about the Macuxi tribe and its legends? Legends that are handed down in many ancient civilizations and cultures around the world, it is said that the Hollow Earth really exists. The existence of giant creatures that populate our planet is another fact present in dozens of ancient cultures around the world, also present in religious texts such as the Bible. Is it possible that the Macuxi legends are real and that somewhere in the Amazon there is an entrance to the inner Earth?


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