In Egypt we find one of the most enigmatic monuments around the world: the Sphinx of Giza. It has always raised a great mystery among those interested in Egyptology.
This monumental limestone figure that looks eternally to the east, where the sun rises, has always aroused our deepest curiosity. Did the Egyptians really build it or did they find it there, just like us?
It seems that it has something in common with the adjoining pyramids of Giza, and there is also no inscription that identifies it with its builder.
Between 1816 and 1818 Captain Giovanni Battista Caviglia carried out the operation of digging up the Sphinx and the temples that were around it.
Its proximity to the Pyramid of Chephren quickly related to the mysterious Sphinx with the figure of this pharaoh of the fourth dynasty, claiming that the face of the sculpture is actually that of Kephren himself (2,520-2,494 BC)
From that day until our times, the idea that the Sphinx belongs to the time of Pharaoh Kephren has been invariable, and academicist Egyptology has not wanted to propose any other theories that were not these.
The Sphinx is built on a single block of natural stone, and measures 57 meters in length and almost 20 meters in height. As we have mentioned before, there is no information regarding its origins.
The only written mention that exists in ancient times about the Sphinx is that of the Greek historian and geographer Herodotus, who makes no mention that the pharaohs of the fourth dynasty (Cheops, Chephren and Micerinus) were the builders of the Sphinx, nor of the Pyramids of Giza.
Therefore there is no written proof that its creators were the Egyptians … instead there are indications that the Sphinx had been created before.
Digging around the Great Pyramid, the French archaeologist Auguste Mariette found a wake in which you could read:
“Glory to Horus-Medyed, King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Jufu, endowed with life! He found the Temple of Isis, Lady of the Pyramids, next to the Sphinx Temple, in the northwest of the Temple of Osiris, Lord of Rosetau. He built his pyramid next to the temple of this goddess and built the pyramid of the royal daughter Henutsen, next to this temple. ”
This is the stela known as Estela Inventory. It clearly reads that Cheops (Jufu) “found” a pyramid consecrated to Isis and a temple with the Sphinx, so it shows us that these constructions are prior to what official history wants to imply.
But this wake has never been taken seriously by the historians of Egypt, since it would mean admitting that the history they have told us for so long lacks solid foundations.
Legend has it that before being proclaimed Pharaoh (and with very little chance of being), Thutmose IV fell asleep under the shadow of the head of the Sphinx, which at that time was the only part that stood out from the sand.
Thutmose dreamed that the god Horemakhet appeared and told him that if he freed the Sphinx, which had been consecrated to him a long time ago, then he would grant him the power and government of the two kingdoms (Upper and Lower Egypt) . When Pharaoh was proclaimed, Thutmose IV ordered that this dream be recorded in the form of a pharaonic seal at the foot of the monumental statue of Giza.
But in the midst of all these explanations about the origin of his mandate as a pharaoh, Thutmose IV does not mention Kephren once as the author of the sculpture, and we are talking about an Egyptian text, and a pharaoh who should know very well the History of his kingdom.
In the early 1990s, John Anthony West began to question the dating of the mysterious Sphinx. He analyzed the erosion traces that are on the surface of the monumental construction, and reached conclusions less than surprising and difficult to assimilate.
JAWest in collaboration with geophysicist Thomas Dobecki and geologist Robert Schoch of the University of Boston, conducted a thorough analysis of the limestone rock of the Sphinx, which concluded that erosion was the product of rain.
And now the question comes … When could it rain in Egypt, in the Sahara desert? The answer is key to the dating of the gigantic statue, as it should have been before climate change, that is, at least 13,000 years ago.