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Integral Geophysical Weapons are affecting natural elements in the US

The climatic anomalies could have their explanation in a jet stream anomaly. Recent studies have observed that this trajectory has changed significantly. A disturbing aspect accompanies these changes.

Anomalies in jet streams and meto-climatic changes

The effort of scientists and military to master the weather and climate is known and documented. The “Jet Stream” circulates in the troposphere and moves the masses of hot or cold air from one side of the globe to another. It is this flow, with its variations in direction and intensity, which strongly conditions the meteorological changes in every corner of the planet.

Induced changes

Bernand Eastlund filed his patents in 1987 and paved the way for the creation of HAARP, a huge antenna plant located in Alaska, according to the scientist capable of sending massive electromagnetic waves on the ionosphere, causing it to rise and provoke over a chosen area, alterations of the jet stream by microwaves.

The declared goal of the USA is to control the world’s climate by 2025. It is easy to think that the frequent extreme weather events of the last 15 years are not completely natural; since 1994, the year in which HAARP came into operation, many meteorological and thermal anomalies have been found over large areas of the globe.

Remaining only in Europe, just think of the heat and drought of 1997/1998, the torrential rains of 2000 and 2002, the frightening drought and extreme heat of 2003, the drought heat of 2006/2007, the exceptionally rainy two-month period 2009/2010 with prolonged extreme heat in the summer season over Eastern Europe, two rainy and snowy winters over most of Europe … Strange events occurred in 2016, but 2017 was no less. In fact, according to climatologists, 2017 was one of the hottest years from 2003 to today, with peaks of 47 degrees recorded in southern Italy and heat peaks of 40-42 degrees in the rest of Europe.

europe climate

Bernard Eastlund had said it: HAARP, once completed in 2004, will be able to alter the climate of entire hemispheres, by raising or lowering the jet stream in latitude. Asking questions is permissible. The Russian Parliament and the European Union (TEXT) have questioned the climatic upheavals calling on HAARP and inviting the US and the Air Force to give answers on what they are doing. The answer never came.

A giant HAARP platform

“Under the HAARP program, the United States is creating new integral geophysical weapons, which can affect natural elements with high frequency radio waves.”

The Russian Parliament, the Duma, issued the following communiqué in 2002, signed by 188 deputies:

“Under the HAARP program, the United States is creating new integral geophysical weapons, which can influence natural elements with high frequency radio waves. The significance of this leap is comparable to the transition from white weapon to firearms, or from conventional to nuclear weapons “. Some scientists fear that the ionosphere could collapse due to electrical imbalance, concluding: “Can we really risk tampering with something we still don’t fully understand, and that belongs to every form of life (not just human) on this planet?”

Image result for haarp climate control

There are many protest voices regarding these crazy and destructive projects. Among these, the world famous scientist Rosalie Bertell who years ago denounced how “US military scientists are working on climate systems as a potential weapon. Methods include increasing storms and diverting rivers of vapor from Earth’s atmosphere to produce targeted droughts or floods”.

Richard Williams, a physicist and consultant at Princeton University, says the ionosphere overheating tests are an irresponsible act of global vandalism. HAARP could be a serious danger to the Earth’s atmosphere and climate systems are already changing. With such experiments that are already underway, irreparable damage could be done in a short time. Researchers suspect links with recent climatic upheavals, earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis in Asia and South America, as well as widespread droughts in Europe.

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