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Astronomer observes “Alien Spaceships” passing in front of the planet Jupiter

On the evening of December 13, 2019, the well-known astronomer and UFO hunter nicknamed “BruceSeesall”, while using his CGXL1400 HD telescope and a Nikon D-850 camera mounted on the telescope, filmed more alien spaceships as they pass through. facing the planet Jupiter.

Everyone knows by now BruceSeeSall, known for previous recordings of UFOs in deep space such as UFOs near the Orion Nebula, have shown that these unknown spaceships probably piloted by advanced extraterrestrial races often follow a fixed flight path in space.

The footage below shows the alien spaceships coming from the right of the video, crossing the planet Jupiter to disappear back into deep space. Many UFO experts agree that cosmic highways exist in space where spaceships of various ET races fly. Unfortunately, the power elite doesn’t want us to know about this, so it’s kept hidden from us. A great deception perpetrated by the powerful around the world. Earth is nothing but a planet of cosmic detention !!


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