Call us “conspiranoics” but the patent just published by Microsoft with the curious number of: WO 2020 060606 (that is, World Order – World Order), 2020 (for this year) and then 666), implemented within the human body, suspiciously recalls what was written in Revelation 13:17 “And that no one could buy or sell, except the one that had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of its name”
In late March, an extract of a patent of Microsoft was published, which refers to a system to extract /mining cryptocurrencies through bodily activities.
The patent, registered under the code WO 2020060606, was applied for by Microsoft Technology Licensing LLC (MTL) of Redmond, the Microsoft Group company that owns the vast majority of patents that were previously owned by Microsoft Corporation and refers to a “cryptocurrency system that uses body activity data.”
The summary description of the patent describes a system by which the activities of the human body can be used for the processes of cryptocurrency mining.
The system consists of a server that provides the user’s devices with the activities to be performed, and sensors within the devices that detect the user’s body activity to verify if the detected data meet the required conditions.
In this way, if the user performs the activities required by the server, he can receive cryptocurrencies In return.
Something similar is happening today with applications installed on smartphones that detect motor activity by assigning tokens to walkers or runners, for example, but the Microsoft patent goes further and imagines specific devices capable of detecting much more data. of bodily activities.
The patent description states that these devices could map the activities of the human body, such as brain waves, or the body heat emitted by the user when the user performs physical activity, to be used as proof of work to verify that the user has performed certain tasks, such as viewing advertisements or using certain internet services and being used in the process of mining.
This could reduce computational power for the mining process and also speed it up.
This is actually just a patent, which can never be used in practice for the products to be marketed, but the interesting thing is that a tech giant like Microsoft has become so interested in this technology that it has actually registered a patent.
Microsoft’s request also explicitly mentions decentralized cryptocurrencies, and in particular Bitcoin, saying they are virtual currencies not linked to fiat currencies, generally designed to allow for instant transactions and transfers of property without borders and without a central point of control.
However, they can also be implemented within centralized systems, such as those imagined in the patent application.