A large number of experts have theorized for years that Ancient Egypt and its history are covered by a great mystery. From his imposing works to his mythology, there have been dozens of questions that Egyptology has failed to answer.
Now, a new study suggests that the ancient pharaohs of Egypt were subjected to genetic engineering by extraterrestrial beings. Could this be the last connection with the “Gods”? The main reason for this study is focused on King Akhenaten, and his strange appearance associated with extraterrestrial beings.
Evidence of human hybridization and extraterrestrials in Ancient Egypt
According to new studies, which is the result of seven years of research and genome mapping of the nine ancient pharaohs of Egypt, it has been concluded that these ancient rulers are surrounded by great mysteries. Some researchers even think that the ancient Egyptian pharaohs could have a great connection with other worlds printed on their DNA. Although the mummy of Akhenaten has not yet been found (at least officially), many claim that their strange customs point to a totally enigmatic origin, one that many assure, could relate to the extraterrestrial gods.
E 1352 a. C., Akhenaten ascended to the throne like the tenth pharaoh of the XVIII dynasty. Almost immediately, he instituted a series of quite radical religious modifications, including a ban on references to multiple gods. He abandoned traditional Egyptian polytheism and introduced the worship of Aten, a disk-shaped object.
The first proof that humans are not from Earth in Ancient Egypt
Many experts have concluded that human beings do not belong to Earth. One of the most striking names among these experts is that of the American environmentalist, Dr. Ellis Silver, who presented his book entitled “Humans are not from Earth.” The environmentalist says that humans cannot be natives of the Earth, and could have arrived separately from other places. Silver gives arguments based on human physiology, which suggests that we have not evolved alongside other life forms on the planet, but that we come from other parts of the universe, brought here by extraterrestrial beings, tens of thousands of years ago.
Silver thinks that some of the chronic diseases that the human race suffers, such as back pain, could be an important signal that would show that humans evolved in a different ecosystem. Silver also mentions other only human traits, such as the fact that babies’ heads are relatively large and that women have trouble giving birth. In the past, this used to be fatal for the mother, the child or both.
Akhenaten, the possible extraterrestrial king
To support this, researchers have focused on different singular medical abnormalities to explain the appearance of Akhenaten. Among them, is the strange Frohlich syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, or Marfan syndrome. But the truth is that experts do not agree. Unconventional thinking suggests that Akhenaten could, in fact, be the result of an extraterrestrial intervention and that his mysterious appearance and way of governing Egypt is undoubtedly an indication that could point to a connection to another world.
So is it possible that Akhenaten’s mummy has remained hidden since it is evidence of extraterrestrial contact? While the bodies of many pharaohs and members of their families have been preserved almost perfectly, no mum of Akhenaten was ever found. Many people think that we have not been able to find in this king’s mummy, since he would totally rewrite the history and origin of humanity and Ancient Egypt, as we know it.