For the first time, the former director of the French Republic’s foreign intelligence agency (DGSE), Alain Juillet speaks without taboos on a subject that for many is still resisted: the unidentified flying objects. With his vast experience, he advocates a pragmatic approach and an open mind to solve a mystery too important to be left to dogmatic believers and skeptics.
Alain Juillet is one of the high-level speakers who, among politicians, scientists and the military, contributes his point of view in a new documentary entitled UFOs: a business of the States, directed by Dominique Filhol and to be released today, April 14 on the A&E channel.
“There is a term that is repeated more and more often among specialists in the field. It is the idea of ”non-human intelligence”. This term is interesting because it does not reject the extraterrestrial hypothesis, but it includes other theories on the nature of the phenomenon ”, summarizes Filhol, marked since childhood by spectacular testimonies from relatives who have observed inexplicable phenomena.
Filming further reinforced his convictions: “The phenomenon has become palpable. I was lucky enough to be able to film a meeting of the members of the SIGMA 2 commission that studies UFOs rigorously and scientifically, or to meet Senator Harry Reid and the origin of the AATIP research program of the US Department of Defense. All these interviews confirmed my intuitions.
The succession of testimonies and analysis in UFOs: a matter of states It reminds us: UFOs exist, at least as a subject of study, but their nature remains elusive: “Hypotheses about the nature of these objects is not limited to an extraterrestrial origin. Parallel worlds, time travelers: nothing can be ruled out. There is also a ufological current that investigates the links between consciousness and the UFO phenomenon and this is a point that we address in the film, ”continues Filhol.
“In the case of close encounters, the phenomenon seems to interact with the consciousness of the witnesses. This is also what certain U.S. Navy fighter pilots do. They have observed these phenomena: these objects seemed to anticipate the reactions of the pilots, as if they could read their minds, “he adds.
As usual, the UFO theme takes us a long way. A less dangerous trip if you are well accompanied. In any case, this is the conviction of Alain Juillet, a former French intelligence agent who appears in the documentary and from whom we share an interview below, conducted by the portal Paris match.
The interview
You have agreed to participate in the documentary by Dominique Filhol, UFOs: a matter of states. Is this the first time you have spoken publicly on the subject of UFOs?
Alain Juillet: Yes. I participated in a meeting of aeronautics enthusiasts where the problem of unidentified objects was raised. I was in the room and answered some questions. But he had never publicly intervened on this subject. It was after an interview with the director, Dominique Filhol, that we addressed this issue. He asked me two or three questions and said, “I am interested in this, I am preparing something.” This is how it happened.
Did you have a particular interest in UFOs?
A.J .: Yes, even if I am not an enthusiast. On the other hand, I am originally a man of intelligence and when we see things that are inexplicable today, we know that we can explain them tomorrow. It’s just that we don’t have the elements to imagine or understand what’s going on.
In the particular field of UFOs, not to mention people who see a flying saucer landing in a field, there are fighter pilots, astronauts, people who are totally trustworthy and report very accurate observations. We should not say that they do not make sense, only recognize that there are things that escape us.
It is in this context that I became interested in this problem, because the first thing we see when we study this phenomenon is that these machines or these things do not work according to the laws of the earth and, in particular, that they are not subject to the force of gravity. . Therefore, the question that arises is: Has any country developed a system that allows escape and even violates physical laws? Twenty years ago, he would have answered, “Why not?” But today, if a country in the world had made such a discovery, we would know it. No progress of this magnitude can be kept secret. It is impossible.
If a country had such technology, it would have already been used openly …
A.J .: In one way or another, there would have been leaks, an indiscretion of the scientists working on it … And since there has been absolutely nothing, it is something else and it escapes the earth dimension.
Do the intelligence services have adequate tools to deal with such elusive issues as that of UFOs, the nature of which we do not know and whose existence remains questionable?
A.J .: To collect information, technical and human resources must be developed. An intelligence service can only investigate UFOs if there is a need expressed by those in charge, that is, by the highest state authorities. If the latter considers that it is not a priority problem, which is generally the case, nothing happens.
We know that Americans have launched a very serious study with a big budget to try to understand the issue. And it seems that other great powers, particularly Russia and China, did the same, no doubt for the same reasons: discovering if there is something behind the UFO phenomenon that, technically speaking, may be interesting. Here we can derive in another aspect that I mention in the documentary film: we go from a world view modeled by traditional physics to another vision based on quantum physics, and we understand these phenomena much better through the prism of quantum physics than with that of current physics.
Around the world, some rare prominent political figures, such as former Clinton and Obama chief of staff John Podesta, have taken a public position in favor of greater government transparency in UFOs. Do you think it is useful?
A.J .: In the global competition that is unleashed today, especially between China and the United States, it is obvious that a new weapon that nobody knows how to stop it gives a competitive advantage to the country that owns it.
The Russians, for example, have developed a surface-to-air missile system, the S-400, which scares everyone because no one can stop them, the Americans no more than the rest. Fighter jets prefer to avoid them rather than risk being shot down. The Russians also launched the Avangard hypersonic missile, which no defense can stop. Also interesting is this torpedo, developed by the Russians, whose copy would have exploded in the Kursk, in 2000, after being blocked in the torpedo tube. This torpedo moves at incredible speed, several hundred kilometers per hour, much faster than anything on the market. Why? Because this torpedo creates an environment in water that is no longer water but air, it minimizes friction.
What joins the research on magnetohydrodynamics …
A.J .: Exactly … It is a machine that is formidable because its performance far exceeds that of all the others. I am not a dreamer, but when we see how in the documentary a machine that accelerates, brakes, crosses the water, comes out of it, all this filmed by American warplanes, we ask ourselves questions. And we say to ourselves, “Aren’t we getting there too?”
To return to quantum physics, she postulates that two separate points in space can react at the same time. It seems inconceivable to us, but from there, we can go very far, to the possible existence of parallel worlds. For comparison, a fly with its faceted eyes can see different dimensions from ours even though it lives in our world. Perhaps, therefore, there are things that are in our universe but that we cannot see in normal times because they are not in our field of vision. But perhaps, occasionally, something happens, and a phenomenon passes through our field of perception before disappearing. I’m not talking about “little green men” here. I prefer to get the impression that I am following the same approach as certain scientists and astronomers who simply say that it is “something escapes us.”
From a military point of view, therefore, it is the investigation that affects the Defense, the national interests… Is there not a contradiction between the publicly demanding investigation of the UFO phenomenon and the need to maintain a certain level of secrecy?
A.J .: I don’t think the secret is really useful unless we discover disturbing things. But we note that the phenomenon has so far not manifested an aggressive intention. So there is no reason to worry, we are not in a horror movie …
Nor do I think that we should over-promote all of this, but rather try to stay scientific and realize that there is something that is indisputable: certain factors suggest that they are here and could come from other worlds.
What conclusions can we draw from the information we have? None. We only have a certain amount of clues that allow us to speculate without having anything for sure.
One can risk a perhaps haphazard comparison to the emergence of COVID-19 as a radically new element in the lives of billions of people. We note that societies calmly adapt and integrate to this event despite the threat. Wouldn’t the same happen when it is admitted that the UFO phenomenon does not come from our world?
A.J .: Absolutely. I think people adapt very well. If tomorrow morning we have confirmation that UFOs come from a parallel world to ours, everyone will say “well, here they are, there is a parallel world”. The day we say it, in a few years, everyone will have accepted it as a trivial phenomenon.
What do you think of the work of GEIPAN, which within the CNES does a lot of work collecting information on unidentified aerial phenomena?
A.J .: Intelligence people will tell everyone that the first job is to gather information. First, you must collect everything you can collect, and they do it very, very well. Then you must select from this collection what appears to be really serious, and they do, too. After that, regarding the analysis itself of these serious elements, it is the specialists and high-level researchers who should reflect on it.
GEIPAN, despite its work, seems little requested by public or private investigation …
A.J .: We are the country of Descartes, Cartesian in essence, the country of standards, principles, rules … Americans, on the other hand, have learned to think “outside the box.”
I think it will be done in France on the day when people are no longer afraid of being ridiculous. If we discover that the United States or China are not only dedicating important studies to this topic, but also that high-level scientists have generated valuable reflections, our researchers will no longer fear being taken for madness.
Source: Paris match.