Throughout the ages, tales of lost cities and continents have excited the imagination of man.
Still today the search for the island of Atlantis continues or Atlantis, which is believed destroyed more than 10,000 years ago by earthquakes and gigantic tides. The Atlantis is not the only legendary land lost under water. It has been said that two entire continents disappeared without a trace; both were older than the Atlantis and each of them has been described, at some point, as the cradle of humanity.
If we are to believe the legends, two much more vast civilizations have disappeared without a trace, victims also of natural cataclysms. The names of these two lost gardens of Eden were Mu and Lemuria. It is assumed that Mu was located in the Pacific Ocean and that its size was twice that of Australia. The legend He states that Lemuria occupied most of the Indian Ocean and linked Africa with Oceania.
Mu It is the name of a hypothetical continent, thought to be located in the Pacific Ocean, before it sank into the sea. His case seems similar to those of Atlantis and Lemuria. The first known mention of Mu appears in the works of Augustus Le Plongeon (1825–1908), a traveler and writer of the nineteenth century, who carried out investigations of the Mayan ruins, in the Yucatan Peninsula. He announced that he had translated the ancient Mayan writings, which showed that it was a civilization older than those of Greece and Egypt. He also told the story of an even older continent, called Mu, which had sunk in a manner similar to Atlantis and whose survivors founded the Maya civilization.
In 1864, Abbot Brasseur was trying to translate a Mayan codex using an “alphabet” compiled by the conqueror Diego de Landa. Now, the Mayan writing was something similar to the Japanese or the Egyptian, since it used ideograms that also had phonetic value: therefore it lacked an alphabet. What the Spanish had found was a set of symbols that, read aloud, sounded like the letters of the Latin alphabet. Brasseur understood that the codex narrated a volcanic catastrophe that had destroyed an entire continent. Its name was expressed in two symbols that corresponded to the letters “M” and “U”. Mú was born.
At this point we cannot fail to remember the colonel of the British army James Churchward (1851–1936), theosophist and fellow researcher of Madame Blavatsky; as well as discoverer and defender of the evidences that configure the modern esoteric theory of the existence of the continent of Mú.
James Churchward, at the time British colonel stationed in Colonial India at the end of the 19th century, made endless trips and investigations throughout India, Siberia and Mongolia in search of the archaeological evidences of the Uighur alphabet in which he himself assures are written the mysterious Naacals secret archives, identified as the last relics of the submerged continent of Mú.
James Churchward narrates in his books, like the year 1866, a ‘rishi’ in India showed him some very ancient tablets kept in the secret chambers of an arcane Hindu temple, which were engraved in a strange ideographic language that, as the priests told him from the temple, they formed a very small portion of the treasures rescued by the Naacals before the cataclysm that submerged the seven sacred cities that existed on the continent of Mú. The old Hindu priest had taught him the nacaal, the oldest language that mankind has articulated. Thanks to this, the colonel was able to decipher Mu’s story in ancient stone tablets hidden in the priest’s temple.
According to the tablets, the primitive man appeared in Mú two million years ago and gave rise to a very select race of 64 million individuals. Then the continent was totally destroyed by a unique and very violent eruption. There were, however, some survivors from whom the races that currently inhabit the globe emerged. Churchward claimed that the extension of the continent was 9,600 by 4,800 kilometers and its center was near the south of the equator.
Sixty-three million people lived in the now lost continent of Mu 200,000 years ago. Mu’s children became the most influential people on Earth. Mu had an incredibly sophisticated government, a flourishing culture and scientific technology. Much of the Lemurian civilization lived in houses with transparent roofs. They built shelters, made clothes, food, and their own tools. They were free from stress and disease, living in peace for hundreds of years. His physical abilities were highly developed – telepathy, astral travel and teleportation making traditional communication devices unnecessary.
They were primarily a vegetarian and agricultural culture, which worked in harmony with nature and the earth. It is believed that all religions have a common origin in Mu. There is evidence that Mu’s religion dates back 170,000 years. These teachings were taught by Osiris, Moses and Jesus. Moses condensed the forty-two questions of the Osiris religion in the Ten Commandments. Jesus condensed the text to remain in the language of his day.
Were Jesus’ last words on the cross in the language of Mu? Churchward explains the affinities that exist between the Mayan and Greek languages. These contain very similar words that come from the language of Mú, a continent that regulated much of the ancient world. A map of Churchward shows how he thought Mu’s refugees spread after the cataclysm through South America, along the banks of Atlantis and into Africa.
Churchward also traveled from India to Mesopotamia, Syria and Egypt in search of evidence and traces of ancient pre-diluvian civilizations. After his pass to the reserve, he settled down definitively in New York where he dedicated himself to travel through the Western United States, Mexico and Central America in search of those same evidences that demonstrated a common line in the style of those arcane characters. In the southern states, Churchward analyzed multiple stone writings managing to find features of ancient civilizations in desolate places today.
He went on to comment:
“We have positive evidence that the entire western region of North America was populated by civilized people during the later part of the Tertiary Era and before the Ice Age.
Those first civilizations of America came from a land called Mu. Churchward, who spent a large part of his life studying in ancient Hindu temples, narrates in one of his books:
“There are drawings and instructions for the construction of the ship and its machinery as well as the generator for its propulsion power, etc. The feeding power is absorbed from the atmosphere simply and inexpensively. The generator looks like a turbine of ours because it works and operates from one chamber to another … the power is unlimited, or it can be unlimited for what the metals can withstand … I have found narrations of several flights made that according to our maps they comprise a distance of about 1000 to 3000 miles successively. ”
Churchward has deeply studied ancient temples, the Trojan manuscript, and an ancient Mayan book written in Yucatan. It is believed that the book was written about 2000 to 3000 years ago. Churchward also studied the courtly code. He made some references about an ancient record written in a Buddhist temple in Lhasa.
All these writings confirm the Sanskrit narratives about the empire of the sun that was destroyed in distant times. After their work, many researchers, archaeologists and scholars have found endless evidence and archaeological finds among which are the 270 figurative pictographic characters found in a multitude of soapstone stamps during excavations in the archaeological ruins of the riverside cities of the Indo, located in the regions of Sindh, Lothal and Gujarat.
In Mesopotamia (ancient Sumer), the archeological ruins of the antediluvian cities of Eridu, El Obeid, Uruk and Djemdet are stelae with ideographic characters similar to the Hindus rescued from among the remains of their colossal terraced buildings and temples.
But the most curious thing is that these characters are scattered from Easter to Peru, Central America and Mexico, in a myriad of simple and symbolic forms that always accompany the gigantic original megalithic constructions, some of them submerged as the controversial underwater cyclopean moles in Cape Isekiu or Iri-Zaki, on the island of Yonaguni, near Okinawa in southern Japan. Stone monuments of mysterious origin dot the entire Pacific, from the enigmatic petroglyphs on the Big Island of Hawaii to Easter Island between sacred and megalithic sites.
All these ideographic characters are nothing more than the signs and symbols Lemurs and Atlanteans, which according to the Theosophists gave way, during our Fifth Race or Aryan Race, to our modern writing as we know it today. The story about the lost continent of Lemuria has a firmer logical basis. The name of the continent was coined by Professor Philip Sclater, a nineteenth-century British zoologist, and derives from the animal called lemur.
The fossils of lemurs and other animals from earlier ages, found in Africa and Malaysia, suggested to Sclater the possibility of a lost continent under the Indian Ocean. Among those who supported Sclater’s theory were the eminent biologist Ernest Hackel and the evolutionist Thomas Huxlev.
The name Lemuria comes from lemur, an animal similar to the monkey that lives in Africa, in southern India and in Malaysia. The British zoologist P. L. Sclater, who devised the term Lemuria, assured that the vast continent extended from Madagascar through southern Asia to the Malay archipelago. It was an immense habitat of lemurs when it was invaded by the sea.
This theory was confirmed by the discovery of similar fossil animals, in areas as remote as the South African province of Natal and southern India. Among other nineteenth-century evolutionists, Briton Thomas Huxley expressed his belief in Lemuria, and German biologist Emst Haekel suggested that the missing continent may have been “cradle of humanity.” In this way the hypothesis arose that Lemuria hosted the Earthly Paradise.
The rise and fall of the Lemurian civilization cannot be documented with certainty, although many have gone in search of their mythological continent. It has been known that lost civilizations arise and fall – or only appear and disappear without explanation. As with the Atlanteans, one can only speculate what happened, based on archaeological evidence, legends and pieces of theories gathered by researchers. As with the oldest and most lost civilizations, the Lemurians would build pyramids or ziggurats – step pyramids -, linking them to their gods that live above (or at a higher frequency).
These would be places of worship and sacrifice, or landing areas for spaceships. Pyramidal structures symbolize spiral consciousness and ascension to the place of the gods and goddesses who reside ‘above’ of our reality on a higher plane of existence. Is there a link between the Lemurians and the Mayan pyramids? The exact location of Lemuria varies with different authors and researchers, although it is part of the mysteries of the Pacific region flowing into the American continent, just as Atlantis is linked to the areas of Atlantic land that extend to the Mediterranean Sea.
The location of Lemuria is linked to an area with powerful earthquakes and volcanoes that continue, after being asleep for many years. It would seem that the legends of ancient Lemuria speak to us once more with warning signs – as they supposedly did for the Lemurians before the continent sank into the sea. Many believe that Easter Island was part of Lemuria. Its hundreds of colossal statues of stone and written language point towards an advanced culture, however the most remote point in the world appeared. The legends of Easter Island speak of Hiva that sank under the waves when people fled.
The Samoans called a similar place Bolutu. It was stocked with trees and fruit and flower plants, which were immediately replaced when they were harvested. In Bolutu, men could walk through trees, houses and other physical objects without any resistance. The Maoris of New Zealand still talk about the arrival of a long time ago from a sunken island called Hawaki, a vast and mountainous place on the other side of the water. Does the discovery of the Flower Hobbit – in October 2004 – two months before the tsunami and earthquakes – any link with Lemuria? There are several dates for the Lemurian timeline – some placing it millions of years ago – while others define the Lemurian era approximately 75,000 to 20,000 BC – before the Atlanteans.
Others speculate that Atlantis and Lemuria co-existed for thousands of years. It is possible that continents such as Lemuria and Mu have existed, since earthquakes, floods and volcanic eruptions have changed the face of the Earth numerous times. Surely continents now separated by thousands of kilometers were once together. This explains why plants and animals of the same species appear in different parts of the globe. Today it is known that the current continents have disintegrated from a unique primitive mass. But the phenomenon occurred long before the appearance of man.
For beginners in this type of study the land of Mu is Lemuria. Geologists believe that after the cooling of our planet the entire earth was formed by a large continent called Pangea surrounded by a large ocean known as Panthalassia. With the passing of the ages Pangea was divided into two parts. Laurasia was composed of North America, Europe, and Asia. Gondwana was made up of South America, Africa, Antarctica, India, and Australasia. In 1939 in the region of the Arctic circle the explorer Stefanson discovered 800 houses.
The name of the place is known as El Lutak and resembles the Semitic linguistic system. The Eskimos knew him as Ipiutak. They enjoyed a culture similar to that of the Maya. Ancient artifacts found in Ontario Canada reflect the presence of an ancient civilization that lived in that region about 17,000 years ago. In some states of the central US chains of mounds similar to the pyramids of Egypt and Mexico are found. Its geometric construction would require mathematical and engineering knowledge. Inside, copper, bracelets, silver ornaments, and rusty iron have been found. This reflects that the ancient inhabitants of the region had a vast knowledge of metallurgy which reveals that these inhabitants were not as primitive as has been taught for a long time.
There are different opinions about the origin of these inhabitants. Some comment that they may have come from Mexico. Some cosmic symbols can apparently be derived from Lemuria. The construction of the mounds served not only as a home but as a fortification against wild races from the northern states. Some discoveries suggest snake worship.
The cult of the snake has a connotation with the snake men. The snake men were beings endowed with great wisdom and according to the discoveries of the beliefs of the ancient nations these beings endowed with great wisdom were from Space according to the beliefs of these peoples. How did this belief from the ancient cultures of Asia, Europe, and the Middle East reach the inhabitants of the central states of North America? This civilization disappeared without a trace. Some experts believe that this civilization was invaded by other races. A better source of information explains that it disappeared due to a cataclysm of great proportions that occurred in the region.
The accepted teaching is that the ancient inhabitants of America lived in isolation. This creates great scholastic problems, if so; How do you explain the following realities? The Mayans have a close facial resemblance to Chinese Orientals even the formation of their eyes are extremely similar. The Okanogan Indians tell a legend that resembles the accounts of the destruction of Lemuria. They say that in a time of yesteryear in the center of the ocean there was a great land known as Samah Tumi Whoolah which means “land of the white man.”
Its inhabitants were giants and were ruled by a white queen named Scomalt. This possessed the powers of the Tamahknowis. We found that the belief about the Tamaknowis was that they were from heaven (Outer Space). With the passing of the ages, the giants degenerated into chronic savagery, producing the wrath of the great queen.
How much the legend that this divided that part of the great island in which the giants lived making it remain lonely in the middle of the ocean. It sank progressively until it disappeared. Before its complete destruction a man and a woman built a boat. They spent long nights and days traveling across the ocean until they reached the shores of America. His skin became reddish due to the high exposure of the sun’s rays.
The esoteric accounts of Ramayana tell very clearly about the victory Rama had over Ravana, lord of Lanka in Ceylon. Rama’s victory represents the victory of the children of God over the Atlanteans who rebelled against the lords of the sky, who are both the lords of fire. In Eastern culture these were seen as beings of light whose abode traced back to the place of the stars.
The book Stanzas de Dzyan written in the ancient language of Senzar tells how the firelords descended and inspired the civilization of Lemuria. These stories are events of unwritten history that were erased by calamities and the great wars of the past, where huge numbers of ancient papyri and manuscripts were destroyed. History has already shown us on several occasions that myths have some reality.
The cities of Troy, Machu Pichu, the treasures of King Tut, and the pyramids of the Far East are just some of the tests that have led us to reconsider. The mysteries of Humanity are there waiting to be discovered and studied by lovers of Truth.