Since the beginning of time, people have looked at the sky observing celestial bodies and unexplained atmospheric phenomena. Historical records reveal that people from all cultures and ages have also observed strange shapes of clouds and lights in the sky.
Ancient people could not always explain them as comets, planets Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, three stars in the Orion Belt, or perhaps Sirius, the canine star located to the left of Orion.
But how can we explain the sightings of three flaming funnel-shaped suns or clouds and other unusual atmospheric phenomena? Are some of the strange objects seen in the skies UFOs “in disguise”?
The day when three suns appeared in the sky
On June 6, 1797, the English newspaper Brighton Advertiser reported a very interesting sighting that cannot be classified as a normal or natural atmospheric phenomenon.
This extraordinary incident occurred in the afternoon between 4 pm and 5 pm in St. Malo, an old town and a port surrounded by a ring in Brittany, northwest of France, on the English Channel.
The newspaper wrote:
Three perfect suns were seen in a row above the western horizon. The sky was very clear at the time, and no one who saw the unusual scene believed it to be a mirage or other atmospheric illusion. The central sun seemed brighter than its two luminous attendants, and between the three there seemed to be a communication in the form of light waves composed of all the prismatic colors. At about the same time, a rainbow made its appearance a short distance above the central sun, upside down – that is, the two ends pointed at the zenith and towards the horizon.
What did the inhabitants of St. Malo really observe in the sky? Would the “three suns” lined up “all in a row” be unidentified and shiny flying objects?
Strange cloud phenomenon
Over time, people from all nations and backgrounds have seen strange clouds in the sky. Ancient Indian manuscripts mention Vimanas, which were highly advanced space vehicles used by the gods. By using certain chemicals, a Vimana pilot was able to hide his flying machine and give it the appearance of a cloud.
Strange clouds, visible in the same place for hours, have also been witnessed by humans throughout human history and are still seen, even in modern times. The Bible offers many good examples of these “clouds”, which were the most common description used when referring to Yahweh’s flying machines.
Yahweh is said to have moved through the skies in thick, fast, bright, dark, low, huge and fiery clouds. Possibly all types of clouds that anyone can imagine. Moses frequently mentioned the presence of cloud chariots: “The Lord came down in the cloud”; “The Lord came down on a cloud”; “The Lord went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to guide them on the way and by night in a pillar of fire.”
The prophet Daniel was another who described the use of a nebulous chariot for cosmic transport.
On August 1, 1888, at 1 pm, a strange phenomenon was witnessed in Monroe, Georgia, USA. Mr. HC Harrison heard a loud noise and went out to see what was going on:
Although the sky was clear and the sun shone in all its splendor, a small funnel-shaped cloud was seen approaching the southwest at a rapid pace, accompanied by a thunderous sound.
The rotating body rose and fell and reports said it sounded like an explosion of burning oil barrels. The body passed between Mr. Harrison’s house and Baptist church and crossed the street. Then he turned in the direction of the old Stilwell house. When crossing a sandy plain, a shaft of sand was raised in the air, having the appearance of almost a solid pillow.
The body later took on the appearance of fire and large flaming tongues emerged from the top like a building on fire, emitting heat from some distance, which was felt by those who witnessed the scene. When passing through a cotton plantation, some leaves were singed until they were crunchy and others on the same stem were unharmed. The body passed through a pine border and disappeared. ”(The New York Times August 2, 1888)
Had Mr. Harrison perhaps seen an extraterrestrial spacecraft that used clouds as a form of camouflage to move unnoticed?
In 1973, physicist David Kubrin and his wife were visiting the Pinnacles National Monument in California. Suddenly, they noticed a strip of light just above the treetops, producing shock waves in the air. Then it stopped without slowing down, as if it had no weight. The light was basically ovoid in shape and, on stopping, seemed to spin, causing its light to dissipate. It lost shape and merged a little with the surrounding air. David Kubrin took a picture when the object started to rotate. It should be noted that below the pinnacles, there is a system of caves still unexplored by archaeologists. Unfortunately, there are no surviving indigenous legends that refer to the use of caves.
Fireball observed on the Brazilian coast
Another incident that can easily be classified in the category of unexplained atmospheric phenomena occurred on February 11, 1922, when a mysterious fireball was seen off the Brazilian coast.
Upon the arrival of the Lamport and Holt Liner, Vauban from South American ports, Frank C. Blessing, the second officer reported having witnessed an unusual astronomical phenomenon, which illuminated the ship and scared people on deck:
The officer said he was in charge of the bell bridge on the first shift at 9:30 pm, when he saw a huge ball of fire rise above the horizon in the west and describe a low arc in front of the ship and disappear below the horizon.
When he made his observations, the fireball, which was as big as the full moon in the southern hemisphere and surrounded by a flaming halo, illuminating the sky and the sea, was about 10 degrees above the horizon. He was traveling at great speed and was in sight for three minutes and twenty seconds.
In describing the strange vision, Officer Blessing said:
The ball was very fiery and bright red, with a long, long trail of fire, which lit up the sea in all directions. The ship, and for a quarter of a mile around it, was lit up like day, and the light was so bright that it dimmed the light bulb and the lights in the smoke room, which made the passengers inside rush to the deck to see what the matter was. I was startled by the strange sight because I thought it had to do with the end of the world.
It was too big for a meteor and emerged from the horizon in the west and did not fall from its zenith.
I was unable to estimate the distance I was from the ship when it passed the bow. I called the captain to see, but when he reached the bridge, the fireball was gone. I can’t imagine what it could have been and the astronomers connected to the observatories were unable to explain it to me. When we arrived in Rio de Janeiro, the observatory scientists got on board and asked me about when I had seen the phenomenon and what it was like, and the same thing happened in Buenos Aires and Montevideo. From what astronomers told me, the big fireball must have been visible within a 700 mile (1,100 km) radius to the north, southeast and west of Vauban when we observed it. ”(The New York Times February 20, 1922)
Unexplained atmospheric phenomena intrigue astronomers and other scientists, but there are also numerous ufologists who seriously consider that the presence of extraterrestrial spacecraft may explain many of these sightings.
Until scientists can come up with a suitable explanation for unexplained oddly shaped clouds, swirls of strange behavior and mysterious fireballs, we can assume that certain unusual atmospheric phenomena may be related to unidentified flying objects in camouflage.