A new interactive tool lets you know.
Since the Hubble Space Telescope was launched in 1990, it has made more than 1,400 observations of various stars, planets, and galaxies that inhabit our universe.
As this telescope the size of a school bus orbits Earth, at about 27,000 kilometers per hour, it can point itself to a point in space with the precision of a laser beam fired at a small coin 320 kilometers away. .
Without Earth’s atmospheric fog on the way, your lenses observe events and cosmic objects from the distant past, more than 13.4 billion light years from our planet. Every hour, every day, every year, Hubble is busy doing something. Which means that its huge catalog has something interesting for every day of the year.
Now, for the thirtieth anniversary of the telescope, NASA has created a fun app on its website. Just by selecting your day and month of birth, the most amazing photo captured by Hubble on any of your past birthdays will be displayed.
By clicking on more info, this tool will teach you a little more about the universe and about the many celestial objects scattered in its fabric of space-time.
To access the web app and see what Hubble photographed on your birthday, CLICK HERE.