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Top Secret documents from the FBI: “Extraterrestrials have visited Earth since 1947”

A few years ago, an FBI document was revealed, or rather declassified, in which the existence of extraterrestrial (multidimensional) beings, or from other dimensions, is revealed. With this declassified document, or made publicly available, the FBI indirectly wanted to warn us about the presence of alien presences that would be able to manifest themselves with their spaceships, opening gaps between the dimensions.

The documentation published in 2015 is incredible and in some ways is unexpected. The FBI sends a message, through a memorandum addressed to scientists and military authorities: this alien race that has visited our planet since 1947, is a giant race and comes from another space-time dimension! For the record, the year coincides with the famous events in Roswell, the city in which an alleged spacecraft fell in New Mexico in 1947.

Many UFO experts and former US officers who testified the Roswell UFO Crash Case say these extraterrestrial beings traveling across dimensions were attracted to the explosions of atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Atomic explosions have also attracted attention from other alien races from other worlds.

You can read the original FBI documents at this link:

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We now offer you in detail some crucial points of the memorandum published by the FBI:

Flying saucers could pose a threat to the grounders at any time, if one of them were attacked we would probably be annihilated. This could create panic and international suspicions on Earth. We have significant data on these alien “boats” and despite their incomprehensibility they must be brought to the general attention.

1. A part of the sighted spacecraft contained passengers inside, while another part was under remote control (remote controlled).
2. The mission is peaceful, visitors would plan to stay on the planet.
3. The type of breed in question, or the “visitors”, have gigantic dimensions but human features.
4. They are not earthly and come from their world.
5. They come from an “Ethereal World” unknown to us, therefore they do not come from any other known planet.
6. Visitors’ bodies and their ships materialize through vibrations with Earth’s dense matter.
. Their spacecraft have energy beams capable of disintegrating any aircraft and are able to disappear from our sight suddenly without leaving a trace.
8. The region they come from is not the astral plane corresponding to Loka or Talas. Esoteric people will understand these words. In fact the Loka-Talas, which are not physical or metaphysical places, are different planes of consciousness. Any plane of consciousness other than ours is a parallel dimensional plane.
9. Visitors use a radar system that allows them to capture the opening place to move from one dimension to another.

This information, provided by the FBI, is incredible and above all it is official, so we are not talking about news taken from who knows what source. Perhaps a decisive step and opening to finally unravel the mystery of extraterrestrial presence.

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These multidimensional entities have existed since ancient times, their presence could therefore be dated back to a few thousand years even. Many say that these beings would be hostile. But for now of hostility we know only Human actions. Perhaps it would be enough to have a certain mental and spiritual freedom to perceive reality beyond what we are used to seeing.


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