Most of us have met the “Men in Black” at the hands of Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones, through a hilarious comedy in which this undercover body of the US government was in charge of controlling the aliens who lived camouflaged on our planet.
But the figure of the “Men in Black” is a little older. In 1964, the American historian Richard J. Hofstadter published his book “The Paranoid Style in American Politics”, in which he already names them.
In this book it is not that anything relevant is said about aliens, much less its existence is affirmed. It is simply about the conspiracy fever into which American society was plunging.
However, it does provide an interesting fact, and it is the silence of the North American government in the face of these conspiracies, especially in what concerns ufology.
The legend of the “Men in Black”
The North American government has long been responding silently to the strange sightings that people denounced, but it was not until the Roswell incident that these “Men in Black” began to be talked about.
In 1947, a few weeks after Roswell, some residents of Maury Island (Washington) claimed to have seen UFO phenomena during the same night.
A strange man, dressed in rigorous black, visited the house of one of them days later, specifically the home of Harold Dahl, and recommended that he stop spreading these stories to people. He recommended it for “his good.”
After this, many other witnesses assured that these men in black, who did not inform who they worked for and almost always went as a couple, had visited them, and that, through various threats and with strange and erratic behavior, they had threatened to not to talk about their sightings.
These people even went so far as to claim that they were possibly not government agents, but the aliens themselves.
As always, the American government has not given any kind of explanation, but about this or about nothing, which fuels conspiracy theories and the collective imagination.
If it really is about natural phenomena, which have nothing to do with aliens that visit us … Why is it not said what these phenomena belong to?
Change of trend
Surprisingly, in recent years we have seen a change in trend. The files that were previously classified and kept under seven keys are beginning to see the light, it is no longer silent, and it is beginning to speculate that, in fact, there is something that escapes us.
Mention that even the Japanese army is preparing for a future and hypothetical alien invasion. Very clearly, things have changed.
And the meetings with these rare “Men in Black” continue. People who claim to have seen them describe them as a kind of strange men, dressed completely in black, even with a kind of lips also painted that color.
Some say that because they lack them and it is the way to simulate an aspect as human as possible. They speak in a robotic voice and have extremely pale skin tones. (Nothing to do with Will Smith).
Their clothing, apparently does not change, whatever the temperature, they are always dressed in the same way, and those who have had contact with them affirm that they are not human.
The guesswork their interlocutors come up with is that they may be aliens or even cyborgs. They are even credited with telepathic abilities and teleportation.
This is the result of the testimony of a witness to a UFO phenomenon who claimed to be visited a posteriori by one of these beings, and who communicated with him without a word, did so telepathically, threatening him not to tell anything.
On another occasion, two brothers saw how these Men in Black were materializing little by little from nothing and spoke to them in the same way, coercing them so that they did not tell anything of what they had seen.
Do they work for the American government?
Many other testimonies claim to have seen these men in black. Some of them were mistakenly entered secret government buildings, and then they were chased by these beings, until they had sworn and perjured not to have seen anything.
On another occasion, another American citizen claims to have seen one of these men with a briefcase, which fell and showed very strange devices and documents and of very dubious origin, saying, in addition, that the body of that being showed features not humans.
In summary, there are many testimonies that claim to have seen this species of beings, and coincidentally, they always appear after having seen something related to aliens, seeking that information is not disclosed and that it is not investigated.
This is in contrast to the declassification of UFO files by the Pentagon and the CIA, which ensures that these sightings have no logical explanation whatsoever for anything related to our planet.
However, these men in black protect the government information … Or do they really protect their own existence on our planet?
In conclusion, on the one hand, they are giving us information with contagions in a kind of attempt to normalize these sightings, this, added to the maneuvers of the Japanese army, makes us think, or at least suspect, that we will soon have news of real contact with beings from other planets, and that there is a possibility that they are hostile.
On the other hand, they protect themselves a lot from certain information not coming to light, using these strange assumptions “Men in Black”
Obviously, something is hidden from us, and that is that the aliens are probably walking among us for a long time and need to remain camouflaged, we do not know very well until when.