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Pyramids of Giza: The Great Time Machine

The pyramids that rise on the Giza plateau seem the result of an impossible science. They challenge our logic and perhaps for this reason they have propitiated interpretations of the most diverse, among which the one that contemplates the Great Pyramid as a time machine in which it is possible to decode the future of humanity.

Royal tomb, channeler of cosmic energy, bunker in front of catastrophes, astronomical observatory, extraterrestrial beacon, temple of high magic, agricultural calendar, lighthouse, regenerating machine … The list of hypotheses about the functionality of the Cheops pyramid may be longer, but with the examples cited, it is enough to visualize the fascination that these 2.5 million cubic meters of skillfully assembled stone have always generated.

Nowadays Egyptology is aimed at describing the Great Pyramid as a kind of stellar shuttle of the soul of the pharaoh, from whose interior and after the appropriate funeral rituals officiated by the priestly elite, he would reach certain regions of the sky to unite or reunite with his main gods

It is easy to understand how to its evident and millenary magnitude, enhanced for a long time with the spectacular luster of the limestone that covered it, amazing details regarding the precision of its measurements and orientations have been joining in recent centuries. The feat therefore is no longer limited to building in primitive times, with a technology that is still being discussed, such a monumental mountain on the banks of the Nile, but must include the meticulous planning and the universe of meanings that it must have had from the point of religious view. And it is that the Great Pyramid, built more than 46 centuries ago by fitting some 2,300,000 blocks of stone, most likely performed different functions that combined its development and material meaning with its echo or counterpart in the spiritual plane.

Even, within that multifunctional universe, the Great Pyramid can be interpreted in itself as a gigantic prophecy that tells us about the origins and return of the gods that made possible the emergence of this civilization, or contain inside codes of universal scope capable of being interpreted in a prophetic key, revealing a timeline that would start in the past tense extending to a future that would still meet us.

Perhaps the answer to many of your questions and to the precise mathematics that were reflected in their proportions and location, should contemplate different uses and even knowledge that ended up being lost in time, doing well what was expressed by one of the great interpreters and disseminators of the pyramidal prophecies, Rodolfo Benavides, who quite correctly wrote in his incunable Dramatic prophecies of the Great Pyramid, that “the monument itself is stone, but its construction implies life, intelligence, work, wisdom. And in that case, as in man, it is useless to try to find explanations just by looking at or studying the surface. You have to go inside and look for life and soul. ” Benavides is just one of the many authors who have set themselves up as decoders of the purported futuristic message of the most famous wonder of the ancient world, interpreters of the call by scholars of the subject “prophetic timeline of the Great Pyramid”.

This unique chapter of the most extreme Egyptology has had among its defenders renowned mathematicians such as John Taylor or historical astronomers such as Charles Piazzi Smith, along with pioneers such as Robert Menzies or the influential American Lutheran pastor Josep Seiss, among many others.


For academic Egyptology, as well as for the vast majority of specialists who currently face Egyptian enigmas from a more open and even heterodox point of view, the prophecies of the Great Pyramid have no validity and their interest does not pass It derives from its anecdotal presence in the recent history of this monument.

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At best, some experts argue that such a singular interpretation of the monument must be studied within the framework of the beliefs that the researchers who have defended it have embraced, as well as in the philosophy and political ideology of the societies that have promptly supported them. And, as we shall see, finding prophecies in the Great Pyramid linked to the Judeo-Christian world came to be seen as an irrefutable proof of the Israeli origin of the British people … But we do not anticipate events.

The prophetic approach of the Pyramid of Cheops is usually encased within what is known as “pyramidology,” a term that was not necessarily derogatory in its origin but is currently used to label speculation ranges that touch the wild when questions about the origin, constructive methods and functions of the pyramids are addressed, whether they are Egyptian or not.

Another precision has to do with what is “seen” within the Great Pyramid. Whoever thinks that the prophecies that concern us are written for use outside or inside the monument, is completely wrong. There is nothing, absolutely nothing, engraved on the rocks of the pyramid, whether signs, marks, drawings … that according to the text of the prophecies, neither directly in the pyramidal stone nor in frescoes or later texts that without necessarily being in the Great Pyramid allude to the matter. That is, when talking about prophecies of the pyramid we cannot expect anything similar to the Nostradamus Quartets, the papal slogans of San Malaquías, the baroque biblical visions, the drawings of the Argentine Parravichini, the position of the planets that They decode astrologers, or the dreams and channeling of psychics like the mythical Edgar Cayce. The so-called prophecies of the Great Pyramid are something completely different, that for complex, subjective and speculative, it has always been much more questioned than the rest of the prophetic scenarios just mentioned. Essentially it is based on analyzing the metric dimensions of the Great Pyramid, of all its chambers, galleries, corridors and conduits, then generating its equivalence in another measurement system called “pyramid”, and from the obtained pyramidal figures, draw a temporal parallelism with biblical chronology. Since there are no marks, signs or any representation in the stones of the Great Pyramid that allow us to relate a biblical fact to a certain length, the correlation is produced in a way that being generous we will label as intuitive, interpreting the beginning of an ascending section, a crossing of corridors, a lintel or a stay as a milestone or important historical period. Depending on the criteria of the interpreter, a stroke, scratch, joint or change of hue in a chair, may or may not be incorporated as a clue to the interpretation that is performed. This decoding system entails important discrepancies among the authors who assume the challenge of interpreting the measures of the Great Pyramid in a temporal key, not to mention the problem that arises when delving into the subject we encounter issues not sufficiently resolved such as that of the true ones. dimensions of a monument that has suffered significant damage over the millennia, and that was also originally covered with 27,000 plates of polished limestone that undoubtedly modify its dimensions. Let us not lose sight of the fact that he was also hypothetically crowned with a “pyramidion” of unknown dimensions, which some estimate in a meter and others in a dozen, cusp that would also alter these measures, not to mention the interior, where what could already be discovered Add ducts in the future and who knows if rooms that, in principle, should also radically modify the interpretive scenario. The global problem was already pointed out by the remembered Joaquín Gómez Burón in the recommended synthesis of the prophetic issue he made in The end of times:

The Great Pyramid has been squeezed in such a way that its angles and measures seem to house all imaginable knowledge; although such facts are, many times, more in the investigator’s fantasy than in reality.

Works such as those of Abbot Moreux, Piazzi Smith, Lagrange or Davidson, to name a few, have contributed to that image, fashionable a few decades ago, of ‘the Great Pyramid as an answer to everything’, although the ‘answer’ is usually constructed with measures ‘adapted’ to one’s own convenience rather than the measuring tape. If we are to give credit to what such authors say, as surprising as the ‘law of variation of the constant of gravity on the surface of the Earth’, the exact distance between our planet and the Sun, are recorded in the Great Pyramid, the ‘law of the periodic variations of the seasons and the frequency of the earthquakes’, the measurement of the solar year, the measure of the sidereal year and the anomalous year, the laws of the precession of the equinoxes and the variation of the length of perihelion, etc. ‘”

Apart from such speculative recklessness and numerological probing, there is no doubt that indeed something unusual seems to occur with the geometry of a building that is also oriented with great precision to the cardinal points. The English mathematician, bookseller and astronomer John Taylor, one of the fathers of this whole affair, showed that the Great Pyramid, intentionally or by chance, contains the number PI –3,14159265–, which is obtained by dividing the perimeter of its base for twice the height of the monument –230,347 x 4: 146.61 x 2– resulting in exactly 3.1423. This fact is undeniable, although it is from here when things get complicated. Taylor was the first to establish a correlation between the units of measure that in his opinion had been used in the Great Pyramid – inches and pyramidal elbows – with the British metric system – conventional inches and elbows -, generating a set of metric connections – many of them forced – that from their point of view showed that the structure reflected a lost knowledge about the true dimensions of the Earth. His work, published under the title The Great Pyramid: why was it built? and who built it? It was a seed that found the best land paid in the Scottish Royal Astronomer Charles Piazzi Smyth, who traveled to Egypt to achieve greater measurement accuracy. As a result of those metrological works would publishOur Heritage in the Great Pyramid, where he would develop Taylor’s thesis clearly exposing his belief that not only the English inch came from the Egyptian pyramidal inch, but that the British people themselves had their ancestral origin in Egypt, specifically in a Hebrew lineage that had received directly from the divinity that knowledge expressing it in the Great Pyramid. What was discovered in the Great Pyramid only reinforced the previous vision he had of the Anglo-Saxon past and that he shared with several Christian movements booming at the time. For all these reasons, the reader will understand that the interpretation of the “prophecies” that is made in origin and that would end up creating school, is so linked to the history of the Jewish people, Christianity and the Second Coming of Christ.


In order for the prophetic timeline of the Great Pyramid to work, in addition to having to start from exact agreed measures – which for practical purposes we will ignore in order to focus on predictive content – we must make use of the pyramidal metric system that pioneers of prophetic pyramidology rescued, deduced, or according to the most incredulous, invented directly. It is essential to keep in mind that for things to fit together it must be accepted that the artificial mountain of Cheops was erected using as a measure the so-called “pyramidal elbow or sacred elbow”, of which we find several references in the Biblewhen Yahweh gives direct instructions to Noah for the construction of the Ark that will save him from the Flood, or Besalel, to build the Ark of the Covenant. That sacred or pyramidal elbow – which pyramidologists argue that corresponds to the ten-millionth of the Earth’s radius – would measure 63,435 cm and be composed of 25 pyramid inches, a unit that measures 2,5374 cm, compared to the very close 2.54 cm of The English inch The next step is to take that basic unit that is the 2.5374 cm pyramidal inch, give it the value of one year in our temporary computation, and apply it on the measurements of the halls and chambers of the Great Pyramid from several starting points. However, the interpreters have also applied the equivalence of a pyramid inch with one month, although in this case the way of “prophesying” is the other way around.

For classical performers, the starting point of the prophetic sequence or year zero of the Great Pyramid starts in the year 4000 BC. From here, each pyramid inch measured would correspond to one year of ours. Inside the pyramid that starting point would be located at an imaginary vertex, located below the pyramid itself, which is the point where the extension of the so-called ascending corridor of the Great Pyramid with the extension line would be crossed in the subsoil also underground from the north face of the structure. The reasons for this extension are as unknown as surprising the calendrical precision that some authors venture to see underground.

“That ideal vertex – writes Rodolfo Benavides – marks the date September 22 at midnight in the year 4000 B.C. It has been interpreted as the principle of the current civilization or ‘Adamic Era’, although it could also indicate the date of arrival of Osiris to Egypt. It is generally admitted that this date refers to the principle of our current civilization begun in Adam and Eve, not merely as the first human beings on Earth, but as the principle of a race or a progressive people. ”

The reader should know that other interpreters, such as Adam Rutherford, point out that the most anti-gua date is not 4000 BC, but 5407 BC, which corresponds to the same period of Adamic genesis although with a difference of no less than 1,400 years, a dance of figures that is repeated systematically with other authors and that does not contribute at all to the understanding and coexistence of interpretive systems. Continuing for example with Benavides, who is faithful to the approaches of many classical interpreters, the crossing of the ascending corridor with the line of the base of the pyramid would throw the year 1917 BC, date on which God reveals his role to Abraham but that does not coincide with the year 2142 BC signed by the linguist, teacher and prophecy expert Peter Lemesurier. The first real, visible and passable point of the Great Pyramid is the encounter between the ascending corridor and the descending corridor through which the interior of the building is accessed, which Benavides dates in 1486 BC. and Lemesurier and Rutherford in 1453, corresponding indistinctly with the beginning of the exodus of the Israeli people. At the end of the ascending corridor, where the corridor leading to the Chamber of the Queen begins, the birth of Jesus would be marked, in the year 2, 4 or 6 BC, as one author or another is used, having traveled to this point about 4,000 years of our prophetic timeline.

A few meters above, where the corridor ends and the so-called Grand Gallery opens, it would be the date of the crucifixion of Jesus, this fabulous and monumental stay being interpreted as a reflection of the Christian Era as a whole until 1909, year marked by the base of the so-called “big step” within the particular orography of the Great Pyramid.

This point is very important since it is precisely from here that the supporters of decoding the Great Pyramid, using the aforementioned alternative equivalence of one inch per month, begin their particular prophetic timeline following what they call “retrospective chronology”, such that this would be the year 4000 BC and returning on our steps we would advance in time until reaching 1477 A.D., just at the imaginary vertex where we started under the basement of the pyramid. In a graphic way, it would be a highway of time with two lanes through which it circulates in opposite directions and at different speeds, which curling the curl would generate two different prophetic lines. Returning to our itinerary, with the help of Gómez Burón, who in turn echoes the work of George Barbarin, we cross a crucial section: the one that runs from the mentioned step to the King’s Chamber. “The chamber of the first low passage corresponds to August 4-5, 1914, the beginning of the tribulations of the tragic era of humanity; the end of the passage marks November 10-11, 1918. Then that date opens the ‘antechamber’, also called ‘The Truce of Chaos’, a clear symbolism of the relative tranquility that the world had after World War I , a truce that lasts what the ‘antechamber’, until 1928, date that coincides with the beginning of the second low passage. Only eight years of history are recorded in this passage, those between 1928 and 1936, since, coinciding with this last year, the passageways end and the King’s Chamber is reached ”. Curiously, this point that indicates the year 1936 seems especially outstanding for the place it occupies, and must correspond to some event of great impact and worldwide reach. It is, without a doubt, one of the most uncomfortable contradictions, inconsistencies or elements of prophetic chronology, given that it seems obvious that nothing especially singular can be associated with that year. We could link it with the Spanish Civil War or the incipient plots that the Nazis would undertake, but the idea does not stop convincing the experts in the matter. However, the interpreters tried to save the junk by assigning to 1936 the date of the birth of the Antichrist, predicting from that year until 1962 a stage of resounding changes throughout the planet that would result in the collapse of the structures known to date, with the consequent emergence in a period that would cover from 1962 to 2001, a new model of organization that prioritizes the spirit and human values ​​over materialism. For Benavides, September 17, 2001 is the end of the “Adamic Era”; by then it would have ended with “the dictatorships, it would transform the Anglo-Saxon nations and the final progress of Christ as king of kings with his purified doctrine would take place, beginning a new millennium in 2001 with philosophical and religious principles, old in its origin , but new in its interpretation. ” This author insisted enough to highlight this date when he published his work back in 1960, pointing out that as of September 17, 2001 “humanity will live in a very different way; or perhaps from that date humanity will no longer exist, because if the forces of evil, in the form of nuclear bombs, come to break loose again, nobody knows who will be alive and in what health conditions they will remain. ” In view of this date, we should perhaps grant him the approval of the least partial success, since a different world did seem to have started around those dates, from the attacks of September 11, 2001.

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In general, most authors agree that the two world wars, the crisis of 1929, or the discovery of America are marked in our monument.


In 1993 the German engineer Rudolf Gantenbrick initiated a project that has subsequently had more sequels; but the first was him. Taking advantage of his advanced knowledge in technology, Gantenbrink built a small articulated robot that he baptized with the name ofUpuaut, with the aim of introducing it through the southern channel of the Chamber of the Queen of the Great Pyramid, a conduit that started from the central area of ​​one of the walls of that room and that until then was considered a ventilation channel. After not a few problems with the Egyptian authorities, who stopped the project on several occasions, the device finally managed to advance 60 meters through the conduit, encountering a kind of stone door provided with something similar to handles. It was then that an irrational terror seized the Egyptian authorities. Thus, Dr. Mohammed Ibrahim Bakr, director of the Egyptian Antiquities Organization, hastened to testify in The Egyptian Gazettethat “it is absolutely false that the Germans could discover something, since the robot they manufactured was larger than the orifice of the ventilation channel. It is inconceivable that Pharaoh Cheops could hide his treasures in a chamber through which it is impossible to pass. ”

On the other hand, and adding more confusion to the matter, Dr. Ali Hassan, director of Egyptian Monuments, settled the matter by stating that “it is impossible to talk about a new camera since the corridor that leads to it is only 20 centimeters. No one can pass through there. ”

These words contradict the spectacle that time later would launch the well-known Zahi Hawass, by showing for the whole world through television the exclusive of how the said door was crossed by a small bit, letting the idea of ​​a secret camera fly over . Have you discovered the aforementioned camera? Given the silence that surrounds this whole issue, little can be said, beyond that several scientists from the University of Leeds and the Egyptian government conducted a similar test by introducing a tiny robot called Djedi –In honor of the magician whom, according to tradition, Cheops consulted to build the pyramid–, moving a little further into the tunnel. It should be said that in 2002 the second part of this project was carried out, climbing the little door and observing that there was another one on the other side – and there are three. The images sent by Djedi revealed the existence in the conduit of several hieroglyphs, as well as marks on the stone and lines drawn by the pyramid builders. Thanks to the flexible camera of Djedi The front side of the door was visible for the first time, showing that its surface was carefully polished, which could indicate that it was symbolically important. This was explained by Kate Spencer, an Egyptologist at the University of Cambridge, stating that “these ducts would have a function related to the stars: it is possible that said chamber once housed a statue of the Ka-spirit of the pharaoh, and the ducts would have been built to travel to the hereafter ”. On the other hand, Hawass assured for the first time that they could be on the trail of a secret chamber, since, in his opinion, the King’s Chamber would be nothing more than a sort of distraction “camera” to hide the real one. The archaeologist remembered without hiding a certain euphoria, that a tradition told that the magician Djedi met with Cheops, who was looking for Toth to discover the secret that allowed him to hide his pyramid: “Based on this, there may be something hidden in the pyramid” .

And it is that if it is possible to find the coveted secret chamber, for many scholars it would be the moment in which the final prophecy is fulfilled. Whether or not, what is evident is that we will all be waiting for one of the most important moments in the history of archeology.


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