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Conspiracy theorists lack logic?

Conspirologists believe that secret societies or alien aliens rule the world, that the “number of the beast” is encrypted in barcodes, and the assassination of John F. Kennedy was organized by American intelligence agencies. They can even bring a bunch of evidence. However, professional psychologists assure, such people can easily believe in mutually exclusive things.

The term “conspiracy theory” first appeared in economic literature in the twenties of the last century.

In the modern meaning of the word, it began to be used only by the end of the 1960s. As a rule, supporters of this theory are convinced that the authorities are hiding facts from the world population that sometimes look completely absurd. Proponents of the conspiracy theological concept seek “evidence” that is able to confirm these facts and which are often delusional. However, they do not notice that the ends do not meet.

So, lovers of conspiracy theories claim that the image of the Great Seal of the United States on a one-dollar bill indicates members of a secret society that runs America. On the back of the seal is a pyramid crowned with the All-Seeing Eye of God and surrounded by two Latin sayings:

“Annuit Coeptis” (which means: “according to [our] beginnings “and” Novus Ordo Seclorum “-” The New Order of Centuries “.

If you enter a six-pointed star in a circle, then the upper ray would seem to point to the All-Seeing Eye, and the other five to the letters M, A, S, O and N, thus giving out the true rulers of the state.

In 1999, an English journalist and member of the Green Party, David Icke, released a book entitled The Greatest Secret: A Book That Will Change the World, in which he wrote that alien alien lizards from the constellation Draco who are able to take on a human form rule the world. They allegedly created the secret society “Babylonian Brotherhood” on Earth, which includes most world leaders: in particular,

  • the tycoons of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, both of George W. Bush,
  • Hilary Clinton
  • and Tony Blair,
  • and for some reason, almost all country performers …

In evidence, Ike cites, in particular, John D. Rockefeller’s quote: “I do not need a nation of thinkers, I need a nation of workers.” Rockefeller is credited with creating several secret organizations.

The myth that George W. Bush is associated with Satanists is also quite common. On one of the American sites posted photos where the ex-president demonstrates an ancient satanic greeting – a sign of a horned owl. And Bill Clinton, in turn, was accused of having connections with Haitian voodoo magicians.

Here are some other conspiracy theories.

  1. John F. Kennedy was killed by his own driver on the orders of the CIA.
  2. The death of Princess Diana of Wales and her lover Dodi al-Fayed is either a staging or organized by special services.
  3. The world’s largest terrorist Osama bin Laden is actually alive and hiding.
  4. On May 22, 1962, the Americans landed on Mars.
  5. There is a galactic government, but only the United States maintains contact with it on Earth.
  6. The UN was created by members of the Satanist organization to enslave the world.
  7. Walt Disney was a freemason.
  8. Denver Airport, which uses Masonic symbols, is the headquarters of the international Masonic government.
  9. Each barcode on the goods contains an encrypted number of the beast.
  10. In the McDonald’s logo, the number 13 is hidden twice.
  11. The white inversion trail that remains behind the aircraft actually consists of substances that are sprayed in the air to control the human mind.
  12. The AIDS virus was developed in CIA laboratories with the goal of killing black people and homosexuals.
  13. The 2004 tsunami is the result of exposure to the most powerful electromagnetic emitters used by America and India against the Asian population.

Meanwhile, recently in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science the results of a psychological study were published, during which scientists interviewed people who made certain conspiracy theories.

So, 137 people, convinced that the government is hiding the cause of the death of Princess Diana, at the same time agreed that this death was just a staging, and that representatives of the British special services killed Diana. And 108 respondents – with the fact that US special forces officers found Osama bin Laden already dead and that bin Laden fled to Pakistan, where he is still. Obviously, the conspiracy theorists did not see the contradiction between the two versions, whereas, according to one of them, a person is dead, and the other is alive.

Thus, the authors of the study came to the conclusion that the point is not in the available evidence of this or that version, but in the initial belief of the conspiracy theorists that the generally accepted version is not true. There is no question of any logic.

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