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An impending cosmic catastrophe? A monstrous asteroid could hit Earth on July 24

Experts continually tell us that the chances of dying from an asteroid impact are very, very small. Asteroids that pose an existential threat to life on Earth only impact once every 500,000 years or more. Even 140-meter-wide asteroids that could destroy cities appear every 10,000 years.

However, to note: One of this approximate size appreciated out of nowhere on our planet, to the surprise of scientists who didn’t see it coming. Not to mention that a special rock of only 20 meters exploded in about Chelíabinsk, Russia, in 2013, causing more than 1,500 injuries and various damages. Nor did anyone see it coming. This shows us that the threat from asteroids is much more than what they tell us.

Last year the Planetary Defense Conference was held in Washington DC, where several government organizations, including NASA and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), conducted an asteroid impact drill. The result was dire, they were unable to avoid the impact. Interestingly, in October 2019, a pandemic drill called “Event 201” was organized by the Foundation. Bill Gates, along with Johns Hopkins University and the World Economic Forum. A few months later, a global pandemic emerged. And if we rely on this “chance”, perhaps we are at the gates of a cosmic catastrophe. And if you have any doubts, NASA has detected an asteroid bigger than the London Eye and “potentially dangerous” that could impact Earth on July 24.

Asteroid ‘2020ND’

Asteroid ‘2020ND’ is a truly monstrous space rock, measuring 170 meters, and it will get dangerously close to Earth in a few days. The huge space rock is almost 1.5 times the size of the London Eye, which is 135 meters high. And NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) have revealed that the asteroid will make its closest approach to Earth on July 24, when it will be just 0.034 astronomical units (AU) from our planet.

monstrous asteroid - impending cosmic catastrophe?  A monstrous asteroid could hit Earth on July 24

One AU (149,598,000 km) is the distance between Earth and the Sun, so on Saturday, the asteroid will be 5,086,327 kilometers from our planet, very close in astronomical terms. Space rock also travels at the astonishing speed of 48,000 kilometers per hour. It is for this reason that NASA has described the space object as a “Potentially dangerous asteroid”.

“Potentially dangerous asteroids are currently defined based on parameters that measure the asteroid’s potential to make threatening approaches to Earth.”, explains NASA. “Specifically, all asteroids with a minimum orbit intersection distance (MOID) of 0.05 AU or less are considered potentially dangerous.”

Due to its relative proximity, it is also a near-Earth object (NEO), giving the US space agency the perfect opportunity to study it.

“NEOs are comets and asteroids that have been pushed by the gravitational pull of nearby planets into orbits that allow them to enter Earth’s neighborhood”, explains the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. “The scientific interest in comets and asteroids is largely due to their status as relatively unchanged remnants of the process of formation of the solar system some 4.6 billion years ago. The giant outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) formed from an agglomeration of billions of comets and the remnants of this formation process are the comets we see today. Likewise, today’s asteroids are the remaining fragments of the initial crush of the inner planets that include Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.”

Imminent cosmic catastrophe

The truth is that this year is being very active in relation to space rocks. And if we add to this that last year an asteroid simulation was carried out, we find the perfect cocktail. There are many who believe that the coronavirus pandemic it is a “smokescreen” for an impending cosmic catastrophe.

imminent cosmic catastrophe - imminent cosmic catastrophe?  A monstrous asteroid could hit Earth on July 24

On July 16, 2020, the YouTube channel Israeli News Live He warned of the imminent impact of an asteroid: according to the source, the information comes from senior Pentagon officials, where they already know the situation and are preparing for the catastrophe that will last about four months. Apparently it all started in April, when NASA reported that Earth was going through a huge field of space debris. Usually, all these stones are carried by Jupiter or other large planets, but now all the planets are grouped within a narrow sector in relation to the Sun, and therefore a hole has formed in space, in which a cloud of asteroids has slipped.

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The first expected collision with a particularly large rock was supposed to be in April, on the occasion of which a “quarantine”, but now NASA and the military are preparing for the impact anytime. At the same time, a space rock has already fallen, causing a dust storm, which experts attributed to “Sahara dust cloud.”

But the “Asteroid alert” it has been decreed worldwide. For example, on July 17 Russia suddenly declared a “Military alert”, mobilizing about 150,000 soldiers. To this we must add the inconsistencies with the coronavirus pandemic. They said that the summer would stop the COVID-19 and now we find the calls “Regrowth” they are forcing the population back into confinement. Based on the above, everything seems to indicate that a large-scale cosmic catastrophe is about to occur.

Are we at the gates of a cosmic catastrophe? Are you ready for the impact of an asteroid?



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