Have you ever heard of the disease or epidemic X? This disease has not yet been made official by WHO, but scientists believe they found it in Ethiopia after people started to fall like flies and with bleeding eyes.
After the biblical locust plague, Ethiopia is now faced with a still unknown and terrifying deadly disease, unofficially called bloody eye fever, which could be a terrible “X disease”, although some believe that the new Chinese coronavirus is the disease “X”, but it is not so.
The mysterious disease in Ethiopia has symptoms similar to those of the “Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever”, Which makes people bleed from the eyes, mouth and anus. However, the new “eye fever bleeding” has a higher mortality rate and has baffled doctors and infectious disease specialists for several years.
In 2018, cases were reported in South Sudan and Uganda, with dozens of infected and at least four dead. Now the disease has returned and the villagers in Ethiopia are falling dead like flies. The mysterious disease has killed over 2,000 people from 2014 until the end of 2019, WHO has warned that the explosion of disease X is already “on the horizon” and if not controlled it could cause an epidemic in Africa and a pandemic within a very short time time.