In those days when “normality” has been shaken, many people are fearful of the possibility of the worst. And since we deal with issues related to humanity and extranormal phenomena, here is an article that may perhaps bring a little hope to the readers.
A man who was technically dead and “resurrected” says he had an extraordinary view of life after death. What did he see and feel?
Most of all the ancient philosophers, pagans and Christians agreed that death is the separation of a soul and a body. But what happens to your soul when your body stops working?
Is there really an afterlife? Is death just and illusory and do we continue our existence in a parallel universe?
Scientists remain skeptical about the matter, but several people who have been declared dead and then brought back to life say they have seen the other side.
On the website of the Foundation for Near Death Experience Research (NDERF), people share interesting stories about how they had visions of another reality while they were dead for a short time.
Among these people is a man named Brom and he remembers what happened after he had a fatal swimming accident. Brom explained that he was paralyzed from the shoulders down and very close to death. While on the way to the hospital, his breathing and heart stopped and he was declared technically dead for a few moments.
During these brief moments, Brom was taken to a place he describes as paradise.
Brom wrote on the NDERF website:
I was completely enveloped by the heavenly light as I was propelled forward. I clearly heard the loud sound of the wind blowing.
After a few moments of astonishment and admiration, I realized that my consciousness had been separated from my body. Instinctively, I struggled to get back to my body, sending messages to those parts of my body.
I tried to shrug my shoulders, blink my eyes and turn my head, but at first it didn’t seem to have any effect.
Unknown to me, a doctor was with me at the time. He recognized what was happening, took a hand pump to resuscitate me and repositioned the breathing tube.
He also instructed my brother to yell at me and get my attention.
When my sense of being separated began to fade, the sound of the wind began to subside. I heard my brother’s voice.
I heard the doctor’s voice telling me to calm down, to stop moving and that I would be fine. The room gradually came into focus.
Most ancient civilizations believed strongly in life after death, but modern scientists are skeptical and say that views like the one Brom had need not necessarily be considered a sign of life after death.
So far, modern scientists have been unable to offer anything but speculation on the subject of the near-death experience. The “other side” remains unknown.
Perhaps it is necessary to have an extracorporeal experience to learn more about what happens to us when we die?
As an example, we can mention Dr. Eben Alexander, a Harvard-trained neurosurgeon and skeptical of the idea of an afterlife. However, an accident forced him to reevaluate his views and he became convinced that there is a paradise.
Modern physics tells us that the universe is a unit – that it is indivisible. Although we seem to live in a world of separation and difference, physics tells us that, beneath the surface, every object and event in the universe it is completely intertwined with all other objects and events.
“There is no real separation,” said Alexander, and now he is more convinced than ever that there is an afterlife and that heaven is real.
Millions of people around the world have similar stories describing their near-death experiences, and all of these accounts give a lot to think about, even though we can’t say what really happens when we die. Some people, like Native Americans, for example, believe that a person has two souls within him. If true, this makes near-death experiences even more interesting.